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Dr. Ling Qin

  • Harvard University, PhD

  • 2011 Harvard Teaching Award

  • Asian Physics Olympiads 21st Gold Medalist

  • Tsinghua University, BS in EE and Econ
    Graduated with 1st ranked

  • Chinese Physics Olympiad, CPhO, 7th Gold Medalist


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Jonathan Chang


"A setback can influence a child's life; but a praise can also change a child's life"

Jonathan has many years of experience working and teaching in education. With deep understanding of the differences between Asian style and Western style education, Jonathan has helped a lot of international students get successfully admitted to top universities worldwide,  including members of the Ivy League. Growing up in a family of educators, Jonathan believes that the key of education is to use our heart to influence the next generation.

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Henry Chang

President - Taiwan JL

“A teacher’s vision is his/her students’ horizon.”

With deep understanding of different education systems and cultures in the world, Henry wants to bring a new educational methodology to Taiwan that aims at inspiring students’ true motivation to learn. Passionate about education and interacting with students, Henry always go out of his way to guide students to identify problems and seek solutions in their studies. He is also an expert that assists in students’ preparation and application for studies in international school.

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     Bobby Sun

Marketing Director

"By exploring students’ needs and understanding their thoughts, we can be truly trusted by our students from their heart."

Bobby is the most popular mentor at JL, beloved by all his students. He always listens to students’ voices, observes their studies and lives, and gives a hand when help is ever needed. Bobby believes that skilled communication with students can efficiently clarify students’ needs and wants, with which he can provide effective assistance accordingly. With his devotion to his students, Bobby brings his way of education to JL, and he aims at taking it to the world.

Counselor & Instructor


Chengye Liu

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Eve Sullivan

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Judit Llavina Serra

Harvard University SEAS, PhD

Senior Engineer, Facebook

M.A.T., Harvard Graduate School of Education

Senior editorial assistant at MIT

Founder of Parents Forum

Senior broadcaster on CBS Boston News

Ed.M., Harvard Graduate School of Education
Universal Pre-K Launch Fellow at Boston Public Schools Early Childhood
Co-Founder of Zadig Experience

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